The Journey Journal – Nebula Fitness

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection

In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference.

This guide suggests three simple focuses for today:

The first one is a question, the second one a suggestion, and the third one a small kind act you can do to another person.

1) What did you do today to show respect to yourself? 
2) Look at your eyes first thing in the morning. 
3) Smile to a stranger today.

1) What have you done today or planning to do, to show that you respect yourself? If you don’t show respect to yourself first and have boundaries, no one will.  I am talking about choosing yourself. Choosing to do the hard thing. Choosing what is healthy for you and not what is convenient. Choosing what is for you priority. The rest can wait.

2) This one is a habit I personally have been working on for months. The first person you should come in contact with and get to know better is you! As soon as you wake up, have a look at yourself in the mirror, while you are doing the morning routine. Don’t just nervously brush your teeth, thinking of what needs to be done for the day, problems or worse start scrolling your phone. Ask yourself: “Is the first thing you want to do in the morning watch someone else’s face or highlight or would you like to see yours? Don’t allow other people to enter your mind and start the comparison cycle first thing in the morning.  Instead, as you are doing your skincare or brushing your teeth, look deep into your eyes. Ask yourself: “What can I do for you today?”. Get to know yourself a bit more each day.

3) As you are walking down the street or passing someone today,  smile at them. If you are lucky and they smile back, a feeling of warmth will hug your heart. If not, that was on them. Don’t give up. Try it on another person until someone smiles back at you. What you will see, is that sometimes all a person needs is a kind smile to bright up their day. A small act of kindness can go a long way. Can even save someone’s day. You don’t know what someone else is going through. Be kind. Smile 🙂

*While the author has used her best efforts and applied these applications herself, the advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult a professional of the topic where appropriate. The author is not liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences.

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