The Journey Journal – Nebula Fitness

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection

In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. 

This guide suggests three simple focuses for today:  

Clean after you

Clean the environment you work or workout in. Whether this is outdoors, home or in the office, clean after your mess or others. Just because someone else doesn’t care about nature or being messy, it doesn’t mean you don’t. It is your duty as a responsible person to clean, if you have seen the mess. Don’t ‘close’ your eyes and pretend you didn’t see the dirt. What other things do you pretend you don’t see? If you do this with the small things, imagine the impact of your inaction to the big things in your life. Do your duty. 

Example: I was running this morning in a school’s track and it was dirty. The above thoughts came into my mind. I did my job (my training), and as i was cooling down, i walked around the track and picked up all the rubbish around me. I have seen enough of them for 40 mins. 

All I am asking is: can you do the same? The park, gym, or nature you visit today to keep it clean, and if you see rubbish, pick it up and bin it. Thank yourself. 

Check in with your desires

What do you allow to control you? 

In moments of desperation, what is your escape?

Whatever that is, it has control over you. Think; how can you have a healthier relationship with your desires, instead of abusing them. I am not saying cut off what you like, but to start realizing when are you doing something for pleasure and when to escape from negative emotions. It is a process and it does take time. I believe in you. I believe that you can become aware of the triggers and minimize them. I believe you are stronger than what it’s putting you down and stopping your progress.

What you allow to control you, you give it power to destroy you. 

Accountable friend

Following on the second point, could you find a supportive friend to keep each other accountable? Having someone by your side, trying their best to be a true version of themselves, helps you do the same for yourself. Stop feeling pity and take control of your desires. By doing that you help that friend to do the same. Imagine what you both can accomplish, when you are in check with your true selves. 

I am cheering for you. Hope today you get in touch with your true self, or to explore to find out who you really are. 

Big hugs, 


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