The Journey Journal – Nebula Fitness

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection

In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. 

This guide suggests three simple focuses for today:  

Switch the shoulds

Switch the “shoulds” with “can” and “get to”. When you say “should”, it becomes an obligation. It is not. You have a choice. You get to go to the gym because you can. You are physically able to go, so what it’s your excuse? You get to go to school so you can have knowledge and opportunities. You get to do something with a friend or partner because you care about them. the list goes on. 

Write down when and why you use the word “should”. Replace it with the sentence” I get to…, so I can…  

Remove negative words from your vocabulary

Pain is necessary. Suffering is not. You choose to keep suffering. Stop coming back to it, if you want to move forwards. As Tony Robbins said: “Suffering comes from three thought patterns: loss, less, never”. Remove them from your vocabulary. Remove these words from your mind. When they do pop up, entertain them, and then let them go. We want to improve the quality of life with real positivity. That too, is a habit.

Tell them they can

Following on the second point, help a person today. Tell them they can do something they are saying to you they can not.  It is their mind that doesn’t allow them to do it. Believe in them and cheer them on. Support them and guide them, if you can. 

I am cheering for you. Let the day flourish, as it is supposed to do and enjoy the journey. Let the shoulds fall and the cans to rise. 



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