On the importance of reflecting – Nebula Fitness

On the importance of reflecting

"But all the days of the past will come to your call: you can detain and inspect them at your will...and just as it is no use pouring any amount of liquid into a container without a bottom to catch and hold it, so it does not matter how much time we are given if there is nowhere for it to settle; it escapes through the cracks and holes of the mind."
- Seneca, on the shortness of life

Seneca recalls how “the present time is extremely short” and how the “preoccupied people” are so concerned with the present and with their many distractions; the present for them is stolen.

I am asking you: How can you use your time? What can you learn from your past (or even from our ancestors) and adapt it to the present? What are you wasting your time  on  and the ‘liquid’ keeps pouring down aimlessly? What is preoccupying you and distracts your thoughts, abilities, actions and  potential? 

So, I am asking you again: What is the meaning of your life? 

How can you make an impact ? 

How can you support, help and be there for your loved ones? 

How can you use your unlimited abilities to do what you cannot stop thinking about, yet afraid to start?

How can you use the past to move on forwards? 

Reflect on situations. There are teaching you something if you search for it. Where are you pouring your energy and is it sustainable? Does what you do and what you spend your life on have a place in your heart, a meaning in your life, or are you just wondering around? Do you see it ? Do you see it being in your life in the long run? Reflect so you can learn, don’t just let situations pass by without getting anything from them. 

You have so much potential. Use it. As the present is too short too wait. 

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