A Gratitude/Appreciation letter
Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου για όλες τις φορές που έπεσες και σηκωστηκες.
Ευχαριστήσου την επιμονή σου για το ότι έχεις κάνει μέχρι τώρα. Με ενθαρρύνεις.
Thank yourself for all the times you’ve fallen and gotten back up.
Thank your persistence for what you have done so far. You encourage me.
Thank yourself for choosing authenticity in this absurd world. Then be thankful for what makes you weird.
Thank yourself for not giving up and believing in yourself. Thank yourself for stopping when it wasn’t worth it.
Thank the people you chose to have by your side. Stand like a tree next to them.
Thank yourself for not giving up on your dreams and ideals.
Ingratiate yourself by speaking well to it rather than putting it down. It’s better that way.
Thank yourself for choosing to get to know it, to teach it, to spread your wings.
I write about me and you.
The strange ones that look alike.
9/6/23, edited today.