Kay Charalambous – Page 2 – Nebula Fitness

Author name: Kay Charalambous

Body appreciation, Community, How she made it, Mindset

A letter to yourself

A Gratitude/Appreciation letter Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου για όλες τις φορές που έπεσες και σηκωστηκες.  Ευχαριστήσου την επιμονή σου για το ότι έχεις κάνει μέχρι τώρα. Με ενθαρρύνεις. Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου που επιλέγεις αυθεντικοτητα σε αυτό τον παράλογο κόσμο.  Ευχαριστήσου τότε το τι σε κάνει παράξενη.  Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου που δεν σταμάτησες και πίστεψες σε σένα.  Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου που σταμάτησες όταν δεν άξιζε τον κόπο.  Ευχαριστήσου τα άτομα που διάλεξες να εχεις δίπλα σου. Στάσου σαν δέντρο δίπλα τους.  Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου που δεν εγκαταλείπεις τα όνειρα σου και τα ιδανικά σου.  Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου, μιλώντας καλά σε αυτόν, παρά να τον ρίχνεις κάτω. Είναι καλύτερα έτσι.  Ευχαριστήσου τον εαυτό σου που επιλέγεις να τον μαθεις, να τον διδάξεις, για να ανοίξεις τα φτερά σου.  Γράφω για εμένα και εσένα.  Τις παράξενες που μοιάζουμε.    9/6/23, επιμελήθηκε σήμερα. Thank yourself for all the times you’ve fallen and gotten back up.  Thank your persistence for what you have done so far. You encourage me.  Thank yourself for choosing authenticity in this absurd world. Then be thankful for what makes you weird.  Thank yourself for not giving up and believing in yourself. Thank yourself for stopping when it wasn’t worth it.  Thank the people you chose to have by your side. Stand like a tree next to them.  Thank yourself for not giving up on your dreams and ideals. Ingratiate yourself by speaking well to it rather than putting it down. It’s better that way. Thank yourself for choosing to get to know it, to teach it, to spread your wings. I write about me and you. The strange ones that look alike. 9/6/23, edited today.

Focus of the day

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. This guide suggests three simple focuses and examples for today: 1 focus for you 1 focus for the future you  1 focus for a loved one 1) Make a smoothie using only earthy supplies.                                2) Tonight, plan tomorrow’s day ahead.                                  3) Build your relationship with a loved one,  today Specifically: 1) Green smoothie – Earth’s healing supply: Garlic, Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Oregano, Parsley, Pear, Carrot, Salt, Water I am dealing with sickness at the moment. This smoothie is full of phytonutrients to help me recover and heal.  You don’t need to wait to get sick to try it out. It’s a good booster to support your immune system. 2)By planning ahead it allows you to actually get things done. What you will do and when? What needs to be finished tomorrow? When you will take time for yourself? What you will wear? What you will eat?  And the list goes on… It allows you to have less decisions to make within the day and focus on what is really important. I write down my training sessions from the weekend, so I am ready for the week. Of course, things happen that you can’t predict but I can tweak my program and make it work because it’s there. Written down to follow. 3) Think and do it. Connect.  For example, I have online trainings with my mum even though I am not physically close to her at the moment. ( Living in different countries). By doing online trainings, it helps us come closer and keep her healthy and fit. As long as she is moving and be willing to do the hard work, I am happy. What can you do?  Call someone to go for a run together, or have a home training or a hike. Help someone move today.  Go for a walk, have a coffee, and connect.  What is one small detail they told you that you can remember and can help them with?  The choice is yours. 🙂 *While the author has used her best efforts and applied these applications herself, the advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult a professional of the topic where appropriate. The author is not liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences.

Focus of the day

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. This guide suggests three simple focuses for today: 1 focus for you                                                              1 focus for the future you                                           1 focus for a loved one 1) Make 1 journal entry.                                               2) Mobilize for 15 minutes.                                        3) Give 1 Act of Kindness to Someone today. Specifically: 1) Write down 3 points whenever you feel overwhelmed. No pen and paper? Do the work mentally. What am I doing now? What am I thinking now? How do I feel now? When you become aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior, you have control. If you are not aware, you’ll come short in situations again and again. You are allowing other people to play with your mind. What I am asking for you today, is at least once (when you need it the most) to make this practice. Write down either physically or mentally, the 3 questions and answer them. 2) Listen to your body, feel it, and connect with it. What does it need? Where do you feel tight, tensed or/and pain today? Grab a band and have a go. Whether that is shoulder banded distraction or for the hips. Not sure how to perform these or what to do? Connect with me, ask me and I can help you.  15 minutes of your day is not much. You have 24h to make it. I find that the earliest I do it the better. The more I delay it, the more it is not happening. Right before training, it works for me to prepare my joints for the range of motion demands of the training and workout, my body will go to.  You are training in a group of class, go 20 minutes earlier and prepare yourself. your body will thank you for that. 3) Find the moment, and be present. It could be holding the door for someone. Give a helping hand when someone is carrying someone heavy. It might be complimenting your spouse or a friend or cooking for your partner the dish they love the most. It can be anything, big or small. As long as it comes from a feeling of caring, love, and appreciation for the other person. It comes from within. You can not give to someone what you don’t have. Be kind to you, first and you will see, suddenly you are more kind to others as well. *While the author has used her best efforts and applied these applications herself, the advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult a professional of the topic where appropriate. The author is not liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences.

Focus of the day

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. This guide suggests three simple focuses for today: The first one is a question, the second one a suggestion, and the third one a small kind act you can do to another person. 1) What did you do today to show respect to yourself?  2) Look at your eyes first thing in the morning.  3) Smile to a stranger today. Specifically: 1) What have you done today or planning to do, to show that you respect yourself? If you don’t show respect to yourself first and have boundaries, no one will.  I am talking about choosing yourself. Choosing to do the hard thing. Choosing what is healthy for you and not what is convenient. Choosing what is for you priority. The rest can wait. 2) This one is a habit I personally have been working on for months. The first person you should come in contact with and get to know better is you! As soon as you wake up, have a look at yourself in the mirror, while you are doing the morning routine. Don’t just nervously brush your teeth, thinking of what needs to be done for the day, problems or worse start scrolling your phone. Ask yourself: “Is the first thing you want to do in the morning watch someone else’s face or highlight or would you like to see yours? Don’t allow other people to enter your mind and start the comparison cycle first thing in the morning.  Instead, as you are doing your skincare or brushing your teeth, look deep into your eyes. Ask yourself: “What can I do for you today?”. Get to know yourself a bit more each day. 3) As you are walking down the street or passing someone today,  smile at them. If you are lucky and they smile back, a feeling of warmth will hug your heart. If not, that was on them. Don’t give up. Try it on another person until someone smiles back at you. What you will see, is that sometimes all a person needs is a kind smile to bright up their day. A small act of kindness can go a long way. Can even save someone’s day. You don’t know what someone else is going through. Be kind. Smile 🙂 *While the author has used her best efforts and applied these applications herself, the advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult a professional of the topic where appropriate. The author is not liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences.

Focus of the day

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. This guide suggests three simple focuses for today: Try cold water therapy to refresh your body and mind, read ten pages of an interesting book to promote learning, and reconnect with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. These practices aim to enhance your well-being and strengthen your connections. 1 focus for you                          1 focus for the future you                          1 focus for a loved one 1) Expose yourself to cold water therapy today.2) Read 10 pages of something you are interested in.3) Text 1 friend you haven’t talked with for a while. Specifically:1) It could be first thing in the morning in the bath or after training in a pool, plunge, or outdoors. To refresh you, wake you up, shock your body and brain, or recover after a hard training session. I stayed in the cold water of River Sava, Slovenia, for 5:00, right after training to recover my legs and lower back. 2) 10 pages per day add up. One month you will be able to finish a book. Stay consistent and choose something that keeps you reading. Respect your time. There is no time for us to keep reading something we don’t care about. 3) Do the move first. Don’t wait for others and don’t stay with the usual. Ask and listen to what that friend is saying. Really try to learn more about them. Show them that you care and you are there for them. They will appreciate it, and you will receive kindness back. *While the author has used her best efforts and applied these applications herself, the advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult a professional of the topic where appropriate. The author is not liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences.

Community, How she made it, Mindset

We, the people

At Nebula Fitness, we want to create a community. Be ready to share strengths and expose weaknesses with other people. That’s how mutual respect for one another is built here. Not by the looks, abilities, money income, or successes, but by the willingness to push to the limits and grow while working out together. Although it is one hour of your day with us, we make sure we better make it worth it and may even be your best hour of your day.Your dedication, your presence, our care. Showing up, on time.Be Responsible.We will do our best, to help you be your best.With explaining, showing, seeing, correcting, and learning. By acknowledging others’ needs, values, opinions, and character, we form a stronger, healthier relationship.Members are being heard, have a saying in what’s happening, and we make sure that we provide you the value you are asking for. We care about the progression of our members. The potential of getting better.Why? Because we can!What we are asking from you is your dedication, time, effort, and know your why.Leave the how to us. Participation and contribution to the community.Caring, connecting, and supporting each other, no matter how we look, move, or are.It keeps us consistent to be committed to constantly challenging our comfort zones. To show kindness and receive kindness back. To show respect and be respected through hard-core workouts and demanding life situations.

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