Fitness – Nebula Fitness


Category with fitness

Body appreciation, CF training, Fitness, How she made it, Mindset


Τι σημαίνει να είσαι αθλήτρια? Περήφανη να είμαι Αθλήτρια.Αθλήτρια σημαίνει είμαι εκεί στον αγωνιστηκο δρόμο και μαχομαι. Παλεύω με ότι μπορώ και έχω.Τα όπλα μου?Το σώμα μου και οι ικανότητες του, το μυαλό μου και η δύναμη του και η φωτια της καρδιάς μου. Αθλήτρια σημαίνει να συνεχίζω να παλεύω όταν οι συνθήκες δεν είναι με το μέρος μου, αλλά ξέρω ότι μπορώ να αντεπεξέλθω. Επειδή ξέρω τις ικανότητες μου και τις σέβομαι. Ξέρω τις αδυναμίες μου και τις δουλεύω.Αθλήτρια σημαίνει γνωρίζω τον εαυτό μου, και με περιέργεια τον δουλεύω, να δω μέχρι που μπορώ να φτάσω. Παλεύω για εμένα, τα οράματα μου, τις αδυναμίες μου και τα “φοβάμαι μου”. Παλεύω για όλα τα “αν” μου, τα θέλω μου και την οικογένειά μου. Εύκολο να πεις “δεν μπορω”, “δεν είμαι”, “δεν εχω” και να τα παρατάς. Δύσκολο να τα αφήνεις όλα στην άκρη και να ψάχνεις τρόπους πως να αντιστρέψεις τις συνθήκες υπέρ σου. Να τις κάνεις υπέρ σου και να νικάς.Μόνο εσύ το ξέρεις, πότε νικάς και πότε όχι. Αθλήτρια σημαίνει πιστεύω σε μένα.Αθλήτρια σημαίνει πότε δεν εγκαταλείπω τον εαυτό μου.Αθλήτρια σημαίνει: έτσι απλα, δεν τα παρατάω. Proud to be αθλήτρια. Αθλήτρια means I’m there on the competitive roadand I’m fighting. I fight with everything I can and Ι have. My weapons; My body and it’s abilities, my mind and it’s strength, and the fire of my heart. Being an αθλήτρια means continuing to fight when the odds are not on my side, but I know I can get it through.Because I know my abilities and I respect them. I know my weaknesses and I work on them.Αθλήτρια means I know myself, and I work on it with curiosity, to see how far I can go. I fight for me, my visions, my weaknesses and my “fears”. I fight for all my “ifs”, my wants and my family. Easy to say “I can’t”, “I’m not”, “I don’t have” and give up. Hard to put everything aside,and look for ways to turn the tide in your favor.  Make them in your favor and win. Only you know when you win and when you don’t. Athlete means: I believe in myself. Athlete means: I don’t give up on myself. Athlete means: just like that, I am not letting my weapons down. Team,  The competition in Zagreb, (15-16th of June) have come to an end.  These are my raw thoughts of how I feel after and my thinking during the comp.  Some proud personal wins, and some event wins. Some weaknesses exposed and lessons learned.  This competition was a preparation for me for a bigger competition in Italy (5-7th of July). A few days to calm down my mind, reflect on what happen, and recover my body. Then we grow stronger.  Never give up  on you.  Big hugs,  Kay 🙂

Fitness, How she made it

Welcoming Letter

To you, dear reader I would like to thank YOU! For taking the time and effort to read my website. It’s been a challenge to put down my knowledge on paper.I hope that by reading my blogs and through training, I am inspiring you to believe in yourself and keep reaching your potential.For those of you who are taking the first steps into the world of health and fitness, I am cheering for you. You are curious. You want to start. You are more than ready. You know your why but are not quite sure how. Let me guide you. Drop me a message, and as a welcoming thank you, you have 30% off on your first month. Whether that is:  Feeling proud of what you can achieve in your training and life Being confident Get you moving Train in tune with your menstrual cycle Functional fitness Mobility Strengthening Specific gymnastic movement skillsI can help you. All you need is a little push from someone to realise your potential and commit to it. As an athlete and coach myself, I am committed every day to get out of my comfort zone, work on my weaknesses, and become mentally and physically stronger.I am committed to helping you. I would also like to thank the people who are by my side, supporting me throughout my athletic journey, career as a CrossFit Level 2 trainer, physical educator, and owner of Nebula Fitness. Thank you for the kick when I need it the most, and without you, I wouldn’t be able to do anything. Thank you for believing in me.I promise you that no matter how many hills we face, we will keep moving forward. With love and gratitude,Kay ❤

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