The Journey Journal – Nebula Fitness

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection

In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. 

This guide suggests three simple focuses for today: 

1 focus for you  

1 focus for the future you                                           

1 focus for a loved one

1) When was the last time you did something for the first time?                                            

2) Save some money.                                   

3) Observe people.

1) It is unknown and frightening to try something new but on the other side of fear is a whole new world. Try a new route to home, a new food, a sport, an activity. Can be anything, small or big. 

Example: Today, I experienced some new emotions and abandoned some others while dancing with a group of women under the city. A new place and project for me to explore further myself. 

2) The power of small making a big impact. I am not suggesting how much you can and willing to save, that’s on you. Choose a number where you can consistently set aside that amount of money for savings.  Repeatedly doing something for 30 days adds up. The money will add up and then you can use them as you wish, because you were consistent enough to save them in the first place. There is value in that discipline of waiting and taking small steps to do something bigger.

3) Sit for 5-10 minutes still, quiet and just observe people outdoors or at your home. Watch them as they pass by, how they move into space, what they are doing and how. What you might start identifying is how different we all are, yet something connects us. All wondering around, some lost, some in mind of a destination. 

While you are watching someone  rushing to go, do or be, you are sitting there still.  Just being. Enough. You feel the breeze on your cheeks and the smell of living.

Try it 🙂



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