The Journey Journal – Nebula Fitness

The Journey Journal

Simple Steps for Personal Growth and Connection

In the hustle of daily life, small actions can make a big difference. 

This guide suggests three simple focuses for today: 

1 focus for you  

1 focus for the future you                                           

1 focus for a loved one

1) Workout of the Day

2) Upgrade your craft.

3) Voice message to a friend.


1) AMRAP 5:00

 10 Cals (any machine) 

 5 Devil Presses

         Rest 2:30

    AMRAP 5:00

 DB Plank Pull Throughs 

*If you break:  10 single arm Devil Presses 

Notes: Go fast, it’s just 5:00. Consistent paces on the bike(around 85%)and breathe in at the bottom of the burpee and breathe out on top of every rep of the press. For the second Amrap, try to hit 30-50 reps before breaking. Aim for big sets, 2-3 or see if you can go unbroken. Core tight, keep breathing. 

For scaling: Keep the cals the same, push the tempo. For the devil presses, choose a weight were you can comfortable do 5 unbroken steady reps. we want to keep the intensity up and you moving. You can further scale it by performing the burpee part on a bench, or to the floor and keeping the elbows extending ( no push up portion). For the second part, for scaling you can go lighter, or drop the knees down when performing the plank. Single arm Devil press can be scaled the same way as Devil press. 

2) What can you learn today to upgrade your craft? Something you didn’t know before, but essential to learn? Plan a specific time today and stay disciplined to make it. Respect your craft and the dedication you have to it. Even 20 minutes is enough. It adds up if you repeatedly do it. 

3) Send a voice message to a friend. It makes it more real and that you do care about them. Ask them how their day went and let them know how was yours. How you can support each other and grow together? What troubles your mind and what troubles them, discuss and figure out a way together. 

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